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2023: Disability Advocate Dr Chike Okogwu Joins Presidential Race



Dr Chike Okogwu, a frontline advocate of People Living With Disabilities (PLWDs), has joined the presidential race under the platform of the African Democracy Congress (ADC).

The Presidential aspirant delivering a speech during the Collection of Nomination and Expression of Interest Forms at the ADC Global Campus in Abuja on Monday promised to run a government that allows for inclusiveness of the youth, women and PLWDs.

Okogwu, faulted the practice of democracy in Nigeria, stating that it is rather a practice of craze, adding that Nigeria has been through rough stages and deserves a leader who is ready to die for the country.

He said that when elected, his government will carry along; workers, women and men of honour and also ensure that everyone has equal powers and a government based on the rule of law.

He said, “ This thing called democracy that we claim to practice today is truly a demonstration of craze that has led to many crazy demonstrations as the late music legend FELA posited. In my over 5 decades of existence, nothing much has changed for the better in Nigeria. What we see now is Mediocretocracy, Mobocracy, Lieocracy, Arrogantocracy driven by ineptocracy, deceitocracy and failurecracy and my big brother Chief Mike Ozekhome will say.

“My government when elected will give Nigeria what she urgently needs now which is a blend of: Timocracy – Government by Women and Men of Honour. We are all here in this hall and many many many more are watching from home. Please I beg you all to join the political process.

“Are the workers here too? Get set for Ergatocracy – government by the workers. This is now a must. Please do now allow yourselves to be used by politicians. We have seen in these situations where workers union was the hope of the ordinary Nigerians. Those days must return immediately.

“Isocracy, a form of government in which all people have equal powers, so we persons with disabilities, the youth, students, the elderly and all vulnerable persons including ethnic minorities and prisoners are not left behind. Former South African President, Mr. Thabo Mbeki roundly condemned a government that does not care for vulnerable persons.

“It is time now for Meritocracy where leaders are chosen according to ability to lead not persons chosen because of birth into homes that stole our commonwealth, but for their superior talents or intellect. Nomocracy – A government based on the rule of law rather than arbitrary will or terror as we see today. Late President Umaru YarAdua, we miss you sir.”

He said that the PWDs have reached a different level in politics where it is setting the agenda to enter the three phases of power. He therefore encouraged Nigerian youths 18 years and above to get involved in politics to exercise their franchise and play a role in securing their future by ensuring that they vote.

“The PWDs have moved from the days of Master/Servant relationships in Politics to the Agenda setting stage where we are now and desire to enter the Hegemony of the three faces of power where we participate in the provision and allocation of Resources – That is why we are here.

“If you’re angry like me and know that you can make a difference, then you must urgently join in this Solidarity movement to bring back hope to the Nigerian people who have all these times kept faith for a better and greater Nigeria.

The National Chairman of the ADC, Chief Ralph Nwosu said that Dr. Chike has distinguished himself. “What you know of ADC today, we can attribute to him mostly. And he has indicated his interest to run for the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, ” he said.

Nwosu therefore added, “From what you can see here, this is the best we will have of this country, somebody with the heart, the soul, the spirit, to inspire the multitude, that’s what Nigerians need now. We can talk about all the planning and strategy but you must have the heart. Nigeria will never have the type of President we see in Dr. Chike.”

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