Moving Forward: Consolidation As Gov Kefas Engages Gear Two

By Emannuel Bello
The first year is over, and Governor Agbu Kefas has already slammed into gear two of the Moving Forward carriage. The speed has picked. As for the first year, the jury ( critics and fans alike) has since returned the verdict that Governor Agbu Kefas did a great job of jerking a comatose state back to life. In just a year, the former soldier turned civilian has exceeded expectations. He combated drought and starvation by sparking the food revolution via agricultural policies. He dealt with principalities and powers by ushering in a new kind of politics. He has blown off ignorance through a deliberate policy of free education.
Unarguably, the first year was indeed very dramatic as Dr. Kefas worked hard to steady the rudderless ship on a boisterous sea. Almost wordlessly, he erected lasting structures and deepened foundations.
Working with a great team, the governor sensationally pulled the state back from the brink. But as he faces the second year of his administration, Dr Kefas has said he would do more and consolidate on gains. Meanwhile, he is always the first to admit that more needs to be done to finish many of the good works. There are no quick fixes, he stresses. The crisis and challenges he met on the ground were daunting yet not unsurmountable.
Invariably, the second year offers another robust opportunity to expand, explore, and invigorate the gains of the last months. Dr. Kefas is excited about this and recently said he’s re-fired to launch out. He said that in almost all the sectors, work will continue as he strives to bring some matters to a glittering closure. Lessons learned would be implemented; maps would be redrawn for effectiveness, and new paths would be beaten.
Therefore, gear two promises to be more intense and pleasurable than the first year. Taraba citizens should just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. It is the Kefas express.
Bello is the Special Adviser of Media and Digital Communications to Governor Kefas