CCD Marks 3rd Anniversary of the Passage of Disability Right Acts

The Centre for Citizens with Disabilities ( CCD) is holding a 3 day programme to mark the anniversary of the passage of the bill discrimination against persons with disabilities ( Prohibition ) Act, 2018 , which was signed by President Muhammadu Buhari.
Executive director of CCD , Mr David O. Anyaele in his welcoming address applauds the effort of stakeholders who participated in the drafting of the bill and ensuring it’s passage.
Part of his statement reads; “Despite the facts that Nigeria is among the countries that signed and ratified the United Nations Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities (UNCRPD) ,saveral administration came and without Establishing any legal frame work to promote the rights of PWDs”.
He said “as a result of the negligence , concerned and informed Nigerians with disabilities , Organization of persons with disabilities (OPDs), Civil society organizations (CSOs) and development partners took on the responsibility to crafting the bill and advocating for it’s passage at the national assembly”.
He said President Muhammadu Buhari finally assented to the bill after several advocacies and lobbying attempt which never saw the light of the day , leading to the fustration of the bill for over 18years.
He said the annual commemoration of the passage aims to bring together major actors in the disability communities , duty-beares and stake holders to review previous years Activities and their impact on PWDs, to identify and build on success stories as well as the gaps that continue to impede the acts adequate and proper implementation among many others.
Prince Clem Ikanade Agba , the honorable minsiter of state , budget and national planning congratulates the centre and people with disabilities , he said the event reflects the need for Inclusiveness of (PWDs) in all works of life knowing fully well the impact of being deprived of rights.
Chief Sharon Ikeazor, the Minsiter of state for environment who also spoke at the event also congratulates CCD and its partner the Ford foundation for putting up the programme.
The minister also acknowledge the long journey of 18years of relentless advocacy by various disability rights groups and activists. The Minsiter revealed that the minisitry is working hard towards transiting to a green economy to ensure a conducive environment for the citizenry ,and that persons living with disabilities have a better quality of life.
The 3days event with support from FORD foundation which kick started today in Abuja is to last through till Thursday with participants (PWDs Head of Clusters) drawn from all the geopolitical zone of the country to brainstorm on 2023 general election and the future of Nigerians with disabilities