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Group Holds Grand Rally In Support Of Buhari’s Administration 



Some well-meaning Nigerians, under the aegis of National Rebirth Movement (NRM), on Tuesday, held a ‘grand rally’ at the Unity Fountain, Abuja, in support of President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration. 

The group also pledged to defend the country’s unity amidst destabilisation attempts by “agents of darkness, coup plotters and foreign elements”.

In his address, National Coordinator, Augustine Richard Adie, said the rally is a strong message to those that do not wish Nigeria well in its quest for sustainable growth and development.

He noted that the grand plan is to discredit the giant strides of President Buhari before Nigerians and the international community. 

According to Adie, the current challenges faced in the country is a manifestation of a high level of disdain for the president for standing on the side of truth and the teeming Nigerian population. 

On behalf of the group, Adie expressed total support and absolute belief in the leadership style and strides of the president over the years .

The National Rebirth Movement, therefore, called on all Nigerians to extend their support to President Buhari, noting that the unity of Nigeria is sacrosanct. 

It, however, assured that the evil plots against the nation and the president will fail if Nigerians come together. 

Read the full speech below: 

“Arise, O compatriots, Nigeria’s call obey To serve our fatherland With love and strength and faith The labour of our heroes past shall never be in vain to serve with heart and might one nation bound in freedom, peace and Unity.”  

Nigeria is indeed a great nation with good people. That we are all gathered here for this grand rally is a testament of absolute patriotism and an unflinching belief in the potentials of Nigeria as a country of great economic and social advantage on the African continent and the world at large. 

I can’t but warmly welcome you all in the spirit of one Nigeria where our hopes and aspirations are being translated into tangible realities under the leadership of President Muhammadu Buhari. The National Rebirth Movement convoked this rally for the simple reason that Nigeria is going through a most trying period with the activities of those that have elected to stand the truth on its head, and therefore there arises the need for the reawakening of our consciousness to the threat posed to peace and unity by these agents of darkness that have been ferociously attacking the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari.   

Please permit me to use this medium to commiserate with President Muhammadu Buhari and the good people of Nigeria over the death of over 40 citizens in Zarbamari in Jere Local Government Area of Borno State. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families and relatives, and it is our prayers that God comforts them and grant them the fortitude to bear the irreplaceable loss. 

This grand rally is meant to send a strong message to those that do not wish Nigeria well in its quest for sustainable growth and development. That we have congregated in our numbers is not for political purposes, but rather a coming together of patriotic Nigerians that are desirous of a Nigeria of our dreams where peace and unity shall reign supreme. 

It is no longer a secret that these are indeed trying times in Nigeria because there is a well-orchestrated campaign of calumny against the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari in its efforts towards addressing the myriads of politically motivated challenges in the country. 

We must understand that the happenings in the country are not a function of ineffective leadership as they want us to believe, but rather the manifestation of a high level of disdain for President Muhammadu Buhari for standing on the side of truth and the teeming Nigerian population. 

Consequently, this grand rally is to show our support and absolute belief in the leadership style and strides of President Muhammadu Buhari over the years in his quest to make Nigeria a better and prosperous country that this generation and indeed the future generation of Nigerians would be proud of. 

This rally is also against coup plotters, agents of destabilization and foreign elements conspiring against Nigeria and the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari, for we know that they desire that Nigeria disintegrates into chaos. But they won’t have their way for Nigerians are resolute to protect the country from these marauders. 

We know their ultimate game plan is to discredit the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari before Nigerians and the international community. They want to paint a picture of incompetence as a justification for their evil desire for a change of government through unorthodox means such as the fuelling of violence across the country. 

In all of these, we wondered what percentages of the Nigerian population are against President Muhammadu Buhari and what is the percentage that is in support of President Muhammadu Buhari. We realized that it was only a minute percentage that is against the leadership style of President Muhammadu Buhari and this disapproval is for selfish reasons and not in the overall interest of the country. 

They are all out to rubbish the many gains of the Muhammadu Buhari led administration by instigating and promoting insecurity across the country. They are also out to ensure that the country remains ungovernable by all means necessary, not minding whose ox is gored. 

The National Rebirth Movement is at the forefront of this grand rally to impress it upon those that are against the unity of Nigeria that indeed the country is behind President Muhammadu Buhari come rain and come shine. And our gathering here for the grand rally indeed buttresses it. 

President Muhammadu Buhari has done excellently well in the past six years, and the only responsibility we owe him is to continue to extend our support to his administration as it weathers through the myriads of challenges in the country.  

We must not sit and watch while some wicked and selfish individuals that parade themselves as democrats and with the active support of some external forces destroy our country. They have come under various nomenclatures in recent times. However, we are convinced that their plots against Nigeria will fail as usual.

The National Rebirth Movement calls on all Nigerians to extend their support to the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari for the unity of Nigeria is sacrosanct. As such, we must do all within our means to ensure that all those that have conspired and ganged up against the unity of the country are put to shame. 

The time is indeed now because enough is enough for all of those that do not mean well for the country. For we are resolute in this demand to ensure that peace and unity shall be the lot of Nigeria for Nigeria is a nation bound in freedom peace and unity. 

It is also our desire that the God of creation, should direct our noble cause, to guide our leader’s right and help our youth the truth to know in love and honesty to grow And living just and true great lofty heights attained to build a nation where peace and justice shall reign.

Therefore I say we must pledge to Nigeria our country to be faithful, loyal and honest. To serve Nigeria with all our strength to defend her unity and uphold her honour and glory so help us, God. Amen. 

Thank you all, and God bless Nigeria.

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