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Kefas- Hitting The Ground Running – By Emmanuel Bello




A good weekend they say is heralded by great weekdays. And in the case of Taraba state Governor Elect, Lt Col. Agbu Kefas (rtd), nothing could have been truer. Right after he got his certificate of return, the swashbuckling ex soldier has been doing many things consider the right moves. His utterances, his mannerisms and even social interactions presents him as one prepared for the job. There is also a clear sense of mission as he continously talks about working hard to change the narratives of Taraba state. In an instant, Taraba knew something different is upon us: a paradigm shift and a new deal.

He’s also brimming with hope as he hasn’t stopped talking of the state’s potentials. In various interviews, he has stayed on script, unraveling his plans and programs. Although not letting the cat out of the bag, Kefas doesn’t leave anyone in doubt about his good intentions, his sincerity and transparency. There is also decency seeping through his actions and comments: no double speak, no verbosity and no blame games- same style he adopted during his campaigns. A style that has endeared him to almost everyone who now calls him “Mai gaskia’ (man of truth)

Kefas famously once said he was running on the strength of his character and the dictate of his conscience. Happily, that’s how he plans to govern too. He plans to use all states resources to enrich the people, solve age long challenges and brings about rapid development.

In actualising these, he’s the Ultimate iconoclast, tearing down walls and old models. Where there was mediocrity he wants to shine his brilliance. Where there was sloth, his youthful energies would become the order. He’s not encumbered by mental or physical infirmities. He’s not limited by ancient hangups or stereotypes. Just a new man or better, new wine in a new bottle.

His incoming government is anchored on righteousness, efficiency, fairness and 21st century ideas that are changing the world. It is this direction that has made him a nightmare to the old class from the start. They knew he would deliver and be different once he gets in. And now, it has happened: “jungle don mature” as our people love to say. And indeed our state has finally been delivered.

Bello is spokesman of Governor Elect Lt Col Agbu Kefas

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