Pageant Guild of Nigeria Association Under Hon. Disebe Taking a New Look

The story of Beauty Pageant industry in Nigeria was before now misconstrued by many.
To some it was an industry that breeds corrupt character while to some it was an industry that encourages moral decadence.
But all thanks to the BOT of Pageant Guild Association of Nigeria under the distinguished leadership of Mr Onanikem Kenneth Onanikem Diamond
As well Known the first law of leadership is that your foundation is built through integrity, Character and trust.
Chief Diamond has an internal leadership map, a personal GPS, which brings his vision into action. It started with an understanding of where the Pageant industry should be and as a result went ahead to appoint credible men to pilot the affairs and harmonize the industry.
A Lion begats a Lion so the Appointment of his youthfulness Hon. Disebe S. Bala Dango by the BOT as the acting president of the pageant guild didn’t come to many as a surprise.
Hon. Disebe understanding the vision and mandate hit the road running by the immediate appointment of state co-ordinator’s assuring them of support while calling for collaboration amongst the pageant family.
Since Hon. Disebe assumption into office the misconception of the industry is been addressed.
“Effective leaders inspire and motivate people to follow their visions willingly and eagerly, not out of fear.” – Maya Traver said. And this can best describe the actions of Hon. Disebe as acting president so far.
“The greatest gift a leader can get is the gift of feedback. When someone takes the time to pause, reflect on what’s happened, and communicate back what they saw and heard, and how it made them feel and act, they have offered the greatest gift of all”. – Janeen Latini said.
And the feed backs from state coordinators and CEO across board is a prove of this statement.
The leadership of his youthfulness , Hon. Disebe has been able to identify fakes among the industry and to address the menace created special cover letter for state coordinators along side Identity Cards watermark to check mate fakes in the future.
The leadership also have been involved in dispute resolution among members and this has promoted untiy and hermonny within the family.
Organisers now having a sense of belonging as everyone is been carried along especially with the creation of the association website.
A new dawn is here and the industry is taking a new dimension and the choice of his youthfulness Hon. Disebe is truly a card for the moment.
Abel Augustine
Senior Special Adviser Media and Publicity To the Acting President PGNA