Pastor Chris and rain of miracles at Healing Streams Live Services

Though the July edition of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services of a monthly programme organised by Pastor Chris, the charismatic spiritual steward of the Christ Embassy might have come and gone, yet the impact, for those who got healed at the event, would remain with them forever.
The programme that saw the mighty powers of God move among the people unfolded in glory, faith, and was rich in the miraculous.
According to the Media Manager of the Healing School of Chrst Embassy, Mr. Olajide Babasola, the director of the Healing School, Pastor Deola Phillips, opened the service on the third day, sharing highlights of the previous day’s session. This had people around the world thanking the Lord for his wondrous works.
Talking about expectations for this final episode, she said; “I am excited in my spirit because this is the day the Lord has made and we shall rejoice in Him.”
Reverend Tom Amenkhienan joined her on set, to share some testimonies. One of the remarkable testimonies was of a young lady from Thailand who was diagnosed with a tumor in the uterus. As a result of this condition, she lived in pain, had difficulty urinating and her menstrual cycles stopped. She received her healing during the live Healing Services and she’s now joyful and full of life.
Concluding the segment, Reverend Tom encouraged participants with these words: “Today is the final day. You have been exercising your faith. Don’t stop believing. Your expectation shall not be cut off. Today is your day and God is ready for you, more than you’re ready to receive.”
Reverend Ray Okocha, host of ‘How to Receive a Miracle’, interviewed participants from Northern Ireland, the Netherlands, and Argentina, who shared testimonies of the miracles the Lord wrought at their healing centres. They also talked about their expectations for the grand finale.
A wonderful testimony from Northern Ireland was from Doreen who had suffered from debilitating pain in her leg from age 14. She received her healing and ran for the first time in years during the second day of the Healing Streams.
The service progressed with yet another testimonies segment, with Evangelist Dr. Eddy Owase inviting testifiers who had been healed during previous editions of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services.
Vera, a young woman living in the United Kingdom, was diagnosed with cancer that had metastasized to her breasts, lungs, and bones since 2020. This turned her world around. She was unable to walk, sleep, or eat. She received her miracle during the March 2022 edition of the Healing Streams. Vera laughed as she shared her testimony, and her infectious joy filled everyone who heard with hope and gratitude.
Evangelist Eddy inspired billions all over the world to reach out for their miracle moment. “And now, your moment has come, the moment you’ve been waiting for. The time you’ve been waiting for is here right now. This is your time. Congratulations everyone.”
The Loveworld Singers led in a session of praise and worship, and the atmosphere was saturated with God’s divine presence, we worshippers everywhere lifted their voices to praise the King of Kings.
Shouts of joy filled the air as Pastor Chris stepped up and started ministering to the sick. People in coma awakened, those born blind began to see, and children born lame began to leap and for the first time in their lives, walk. Sicknesses bowed to the Name of Jesus. Many, who could not contain the healing explosion shed tears of joy, as they watched their loved ones healed.
Pastor Chris prayed for families: “I thank God for your family. I thank God for you. There’s health in your home right now. There’s joy in your home right now. I bring you blessings, in the Name of Jesus. Be blessed, in Jesus’ Name.” He also prayed for people facing depression and addictions.
Pastor Chris led in exultation, sharing the final point of the ongoing teaching from the first day. He shared three important truths: (1) God loves you, (2) God has given you eternal life, and (3) God wants to express himself through you.
His exhortation continued with a reminder of how valuable people are to God. He said, “Maybe nobody ever told you that you were worth anything, but you are as valuable to God as Jesus is because that was the price, he paid for you.”
Giving many the opportunity to enjoy eternal life and true riches in Christ Jesus, Pastor Chris made a salvation call and led all those who wished to enjoy a new life in Christ in prayers. He also acknowledged visiting ministers in the auditorium and thanked them for their impact in the ministry and service to the Lord.
The celebrations reached fever-pitch when the Man of God announced two important achievements that had been made for the Gospel.
The Healing Streams Live Healing Services recorded participation of seven billion people all around the world.
Rhapsody of Realities is now available in 7,000 languages, making it the most translated book every year, in the world.
The long-anticipated July edition undoubtedly climaxed with blessings and glory from all participants, making it an unforgettable experience.
Testimonies are still pouring in and the Healing School would love to hear yours. Please send your testimonies to
Follow the miracle reports, impact stories, and limitless celebrations subsequent to the Live Healing Services by watching the Healing Streams Festival of Miracles, which commences at 6 p.m. (GMT+1) from Monday, 1st August 2022.
Also, visit to download the August 2022 edition of the Healing to the Nations Magazine.