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By Gambo Abubakar Kaduna


The Executive vice Chairman Nigerian Communication Commission,(NCC) Dr Aminu Maida has revealed that ” in 2023 the Nigerian Telecom’s industries have contributed 13% to the nation cross domestic product,(GDP), according to the 2023 publication report of the national bureau of statistic.

Dr Aminu Maida made this to known through the Director Publics Affairs of the Commission, Mr Reuban Mouka, during the NCC special day, at the 45th Kaduna international trade fair, organised by the Kaduna state chamber of commerce, industry mines and agriculture (KADCCIMA),which held at trade fair complex recently in Kaduna.

According to the vice Chairman, the “significant of the trade fair theme; “Sustaining Economic Recovery through Deepening Local Content Value Chain” is extremely important, as it resonates deeply with the principles and objectives of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) on the promotion of local content development in the telecoms industry.

He however explained that, the NCC is an Independent National Regulatory Authority that oversees Telecommunication Services in Nigeria,the vision is to create a dynamic regulatory environment that ensures universal access to affordable and equitable service and supports the nation’s economic growth.”

“the Commission carries out its functions to ensure service availability, accessibility, affordability, and sustainability for all categories of consumers, who are leveraging on ICT/Telecoms to drive personal and business activities.”

He also noted that, the commission have introduced the Telecom Consumer Assistance, Resolution and Enquiries (TELCARE) Desk at the Nnamik Azikowe Intematonal Airport Abuja.

.The TELCARE desk was set up in further provide addinonal platform to make enquiries in cocxames issues, receive and facilitate the resolution of telecom consumer complaints.

“The TELCARE Deik is also for advocacy on any thematic telecom consumer issue of concerns and most importandy, an avenue for enhancing awareness of the Commission’s activities.

“as we promote economic growth through development of local content, we must also address the challenges faced by consumers and NCC is committed to protecting their rights while ensuring their satisfaction.”

Dr Aminu further, encouraged businesses and service providers to prioritize customer satisfaction and uphold the highest standards of service delivery With the keen interest and commitment to consumer protection, the NCC has also implemented measures to safeguard the interest of consumers and businesses alike.

The executive vice Chairman also maintained that, the commission, established a robust regulatory framework that promotes transparency, quality of service, and fair competition. And also set up channels for consumer redress, ensuring that consumer, can resolve disputes in a timely and efficient manner.

The commission also established seamless programs that will Protect, Inform and Educate (PIE Mandate) telecom consumers through various consumer-centric initiatives such as: Consumer Education Outreach Programmes: .

“The programs include the Telecom Consumer Parliament (TCP). Telecom Town Halls on Radio (ITR), Telecom Consumer Conservation (TCC), Professionals’ Dialogue, Market Square Conversation, Village Square Dialogue, Television (TV) Dialogue, and Trade fair”.

“On Consumer Complaints Management (CCM): The Commission created various channels of lodging complaints which include: NCC Toll-Free 622 Contact Centre which is available between 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. daily except on Sundays and Public holidays. Consumer Portal E-mail: Consumers ( can send mail Harmonized Short Codes:

The Commission had also on May 17, 2023, directed all licensed Mobile Network Operators (MNO to commence implementation of approved Harmonized Short Codes (HSC) for providing services to Nigerian telecom consumers.

“The new initiative is enabling consumers using the over 224 million active mobile telephone lines in Nigeria to use the same codes to access services across all networks.”

He emphasized that subscribers who do not have the National Idennfication Number (NIN), they can obtain theirs from National Identification Management Commission (NIMC) Enrolment Centres of Your Service Providers Customer Care Centres

The Commission have however partners with Law Enforcement agencies to protect Telecom Infrastructure: and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU); Police and National Security and Civil Defence Corps to help protect telecom infrastructure from vandalization.

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